Florida Statute 741.30: Domestic violence; injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk; petition; notice of hearing; temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide verification system; enforcement. Florida Rules of Judicial Administration 12.610: Injunctions for protection against domestic, repeat, dating, and sexual violence, and stalking: Domestic Violence Case Management guidelines.
Domestic, Repeat, Sexual, Stalking, and Dating violence petitions are filed with the Clerk of the Court.
If a petition for injunction is granted by the assigned case division judge, a court date will be scheduled within two weeks.
Once the court date is set, the domestic violence coordinator prepares each case for the scheduled court hearing by preparing a worksheet for the judge’s review.
The worksheet consist of information pertaining to the criminal history in relation to violence on the respondent, any prior final injunctions, pending criminal cases, and family information if the parties of the case are/were married or have children in-common, and any information relating to the children if they are shared between the two parties of the case.
At the time of court the judge may enter an order of dismissal, final judgment, or continue the hearing. If the case is continued the case manager will ensure that all necessary paperwork is ready for the next scheduled court hearing.
A list of Batterer Intervention Program providers are kept and maintained by the Civil case manager and supplied upon request to victims of domestic violence who may need assistance. A domestic violence substance abuse and mental health service provider list is also maintained by the Civil case manager and supplied upon request to victims of domestic violence who may need some sort of assistance.