Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 10:58am

Family Cases

After a family case has been filed with the Clerk of Court and no record activity has occurred, the Court can serve a notice to all parties on the case in which no record activity has occurred.

The case manager will run a list of cases in which no record activity has occurred for 90 and 120 days. From this list a case management date and time will be scheduled with the case judge.

Before the case management court date, the case manager will review each case to ascertain if any record activity has occurred and if so the case will be removed from the scheduled court date. If no record activity has occurred the case will proceed to court as scheduled.

If the parties fail to appear for the scheduled court hearing or produce no activity on the case record, the Court shall dismiss the action.

On cases involving no service to the respondent; at the 120 day mark of no service a notice will be generated and sent to the plaintiff. This notice advises the plaintiff they have 30 calendar days to provide effective proof of service. If the plaintiff fails to provide effective proof of service the case will be dismissed without any court date being scheduled.

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