Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 5:15pm

Court Administration

Portrait of Court Administrator Nick SudzinaNick Sudzina
Court Administrator

The Administrative Office of the Courts supports the Tenth Judicial Circuit through its various personnel and programs. The primary role of this office is to facilitate the administrative functions of the court under the general guidance of the Chief
Judge. Together, the Chief Judge and the Trial Court Administrator provide the court with an executive leadership team capable of confronting issues, dealing with increased complexity, and addressing the necessity of change and innovation that
characterize a modern and evolving court system. The Trial Court Administrator functions in administrative areas, rather than legal areas, and as such, handles the business end of the trial court system.

Some of the basic functions that come under the responsibility of the Trial Court Administrator and his staff include:

Caseflow Management - managing and coordinating the processes by which courts move cases from filing to disposition, including the monitoring of post disposition activity and assessment of court order compliance. Assuring that daily dockets are covered by a judge or quasi-judicial officer.

Human Resource Management - recruiting, selecting, training, developing, counseling and mentoring court employees; establishing ethical standards and ensuring impartial diversity practices; administering wage, salary and performance appraisal
systems; and facilitating personnel matters for judicial and non-judicial staff.

Fiscal Administration - preparing court budgets; administering accounting, purchasing, payroll and financial control functions; acquiring and overseeing grants; and guiding the budget through government review processes.

Technology Management - evaluating opportunities for technologies that expand the capacity of the court system; providing a growing variety of technologies to navigate information systems; assessing emerging technologies for video and telecommunications systems, multimedia tools for education, training and information delivery; utilizing courtroom technology and evidence presentation during court proceedings; and implementing computer-assisted systems that can improve court performance.

Information Management - monitoring court performance to milestones established by the court; informing court employees of events that are outside performance measures established by the court and triggering the appropriate means of intervention; providing liaison between the court and other government agencies, the media, members of The Florida Bar and the public.

Facility Management - overseeing the allocation of courtrooms, hearing rooms, office space and other physical spaces to ensure access to all people, and providing adequate room for work and circulation.

Space Planning - managing, planning and anticipating for facility and space needs and assessing actions required for court renovation, remodel or construction.

Security Management - maintaining a strong partnership with the local sheriff in each county to ensure that courthouses in the circuit are safe and secure for elected officials, courthouse employees, and members of the public that have occasion to come to the courthouses in the circuit.

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