Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 4:35pm

Court Technology

The Court Technology Office is charged with planning, support, and the implementation and maintenance of technology infrastructure, applications, and a wide variety of technology resources.

Planning includes developing disaster recovery plans, strategic plans for future projects and to meet strategic goals, and evaluation and assessment of hardware, software, and specialized equipment to meet the operational needs of the court and to improve efficiency.

This office supports users' desktop equipment and applications, specialized technology in the courtrooms/hearing rooms, and implements proper security controls to protect the integrity and accessibility of court information.

For general assistance, please contact the Help Desk at (863) 534-7788.


Courtroom Technology

The Polk, Highlands and Hardee County Courthouses have a variety of technology equipment available for attorneys and parties to use during court proceedings for a nominal fee of $25.00.

In Polk County please make check or money order payable to the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC). To rent any of the equipment listed below, please submit a request using our online A/V reservation form. Please call the Court Technology Help Desk at 863-534-7788 if you have any questions or concerns. Please note that you must submit a request 48 hours in advance to schedule the rental of this equipment.

In Highlands or Hardee Counties please make check or money order payable to the Bench Bar Fund. Call Dustin Wells at (863) 402-6949.

  • 1. Hybrid 75" TV cart with PC/DVD player
  • 2. HDMI cords are provided with TV cart
  • 3. ELMO “Document camera”
  • 4. Loaner laptops
  • 5. Virtual Video Court/computer/webcam
  • 6. Keyboard/mouse
  • 7. TV cart can be setup to use all equipment

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