Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 10:18am

Problem Solving Court FAQs

What are the benefits of Drug Court for offenders who successfully complete the Program?

  • Typically the felony charges are either downgraded to a misdemeanor or dismissed by the State’s Attorney. If the conviction is dismissed, program “graduates” will have no conviction on their records. If the offender does not successfully graduate from drug court, he/she case will be sent back to the referring division the case is from.
  • You will gain a skill set to begin recovery.
  • Early termination of your probation is a possibility when successfully completing Drug Court.
  • Reduction of probation requirements after progress is noted.
  • You could have the opportunity to convert court costs to community service hours.

How do I find out more information about Drug Court?

How many times will I have to drug test and when will I have to test?

Each participant will be given a color and a drug court id with the color hotline number. Every participant is to call the hotline daily. When the participant’s color is called they will be given from 7:30 a.m. until 4:45 p.m. the following day to submit to testing. The urine testing will be conducted on the fourth floor red side in the Polk County courthouse. The drug court Judge will impose additional sanctions for failing to report, providing a dilute specimen or refusing to submit to a drug test. A participant will be tested through the entire treatment process. Additional testing or reduction in testing may be recommended by the Clinical team and the Court.

How do I transfer my current Drug Court to Polk Co.?

A potential transfer case must follow the drug court acceptance process in the county in which the offense occurred. If he/she is found acceptable, that drug court will forward the drug court referral form to the county of residence for review.

a) Additional considerations in case transfers:

1. A case should not be transferred to the receiving drug court until the participant is actually living in the residence indicated on the drug court referral form.

2. A case should not be transferred to the receiving drug court while a participant remains incarcerated, unless special arrangements are made with the receiving drug court.

What programs are available?

Problem solving court includes:

  • DUI treatment court
  • Post Adjudication Drug Court- Felony
  • Post Adjudication Drug Court-Misdemeanor
  • Juvenile Drug Court
  • Adult Drug Court
  • Young Adult Drug Court
  • Behavioral Drug Court
  • Veterans Drug Court

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