“The road of recovery is a lifelong commitment to a perpetual cycle of learning, growing and sharing. PADC is responsible for recovery’s introduction into my life and holding my hand while guiding me along its path until I was able to walk it without PADC but with the aid of others in the recovery community.”
– L.J.
“PADC was there for me when I realized I needed it, and I thank God for my understanding every day for what they have done for me.”
-L. M.
“I realized that not all drug court participants will have success stories, but for those of us who really want and need this program, we are grateful for its existence. This program not only saves lives, but makes those lives whole and productive again.”
“It was a miracle I was placed in the Drug Court program. I was in the worst stage of my opiate addiction when I found my way in.”
“Today I have a clear mind. Today I am a better person all around along with being a better sister, daughter and family member. I don’t regret any struggle I have been through in my life whether it has to do with the courts, family, school or social life because without any of these struggles I wouldn’t be the strong, independent, happy and understanding woman that I am today.”
“The road of recovery is a lifelong commitment to a perpetual cycle of learning, growing and sharing. PADC is responsible for recovery’s introduction into my life and holding my hand while guiding me along its path until I was able to walk it without PADC but with the aid of others in the recovery community.”
“I Picked myself back up and knew then that the staff was there to help me, to guide me, to show me how to love myself and taught me how to trust which was a huge turning point in my recovery because that showed me they weren’t giving up on me as I had felt all my life. That I was valuable, I was lovable and I was worth saving.”